Car Issues That Can’t be Fixed Due to Cost

Vehicles are prone to such a large variety of mechanical issues that will require repairing if the vehicle in question is to drive again. It could be anything from a blown head gasket to leaking valves or a broken transmission. And different problems require different remedies, which all cost different amounts of money. However, if your car is old enough or in bad enough general condition, its value before it broke down could be less than the cost of repairs.
Simple repairs that aren’t too expensive will get an old vehicle on the road again. But repairs that take a lot of time and man-hours will put that same vehicle into its grave. What kind of repairs cost so much that they can turn a fine vehicle into a scrap car? Let’s find out!
The Whole Engine Needs Replacing
There are many things that can go wrong with an engine that are easy to fix. But there are problems that result in the whole engine being useless. If your engine has experienced the latter, it can cost anywhere from one-thousand to two thousand dollars to have the engine replaced with one that works. This is usually the case with a blown engine.
Blown Head Gasket
When a head gasket needs to be fixed, it is normal for the mechanic to have a huge job on their hands. Many hours of labour will be used to take the whole engine apart. A blown head gasket can cause a domino effect of damage that needs other areas of the engine to be fixed as well. We are talking about coolant leaking into places where it shouldn’t be. The lack of it being where it should be causes overheating. The cost of having this fixed can go all the way up to $15’000 at the very most. It really depends, though.
Transmission is Broken
Whenever it is hard to change gears, or the acceleration of your car is difficult, you may have a transmission problem. How much can it cost to fix the transmission? It can dent your bank account by up to $3,500. And all because the transmission fluid wasn’t regularly checked. If your automobile isn’t worth that amount of money, you will have to get in touch with your local auto-wreckers.
Broken Timing Belt
The timing belt is the part that makes sure that the valves and pistons in the car all move in time with each other. When the valves open, it has to happen at a precise moment. There is a lot of tension on timing belts so they often eventually break if they are not properly maintained. And at some point, they normally require replacing every 100,000 Km’s. If they break, they usually take out the water pump with them. It costs up to $500 to fix, which makes it the cheapest thing to repair here.
The takeaway lesson here is to keep your car maintained properly and pay less for repairs. On the other hand, if your car fixes cost more than its actual value then you should consider selling it to auto wreckers in your area like


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